
Kaoru Mansour来る!

Orange Houseへ大親友のカオルちゃんが遊びに来てくれました。

お料理全景  Today's our Lunch Menu
アスパラの豚肉巻き Asparagus wrapped with pork belly

左上、自家製ぬかずけ 明治屋のお豆腐に自家製山椒葉醤油
Nuka pickles, Meijiya tofu with home made Sansyo Soy sauce
紀州梅干し 長崎産じゃこと山椒の実佃煮 ダンディライオンに自家製山椒酢みそ
Kisyu Ume, Baby sardines from Nagasaki, Dandelion with Home made Sansyo Venigar/lemon Miso

ごぼうの揚げ煮 お決まりの納豆油揚げ焼きこのお皿は、お友だちの通子さんの作品で頂き物です。とても大好きなお皿で大変重宝しています。写真がよくなくてすいません。次回ちゃんと公開します
Fried Brdocks cooked with soy sauce/sake, Natto in Fried Tofu, This plate is made by our friend Michiko. Michiko-san, sorry not the best picture of your plate.

とても柔らかい新Texas Onionとさやえんどうダンディライオンの残りを少々それとミツバのみそ汁。 その他にもやしとニラの炒め物がありました。
New Texas Onion, string beans, Mitsubas and dandelions Miso soup. We also had a sauteed bean sprouts & garlic chives.

Gift from Kaoru. Wine, beers and walnut bread.

ぜひ、お見逃しなく。Information about Kaoru's show as follows.

*日本にいるhacyanお誕生日おめでとう。今日から、GO GOでダッシュだね!!!

One of our good friend Kaoru visited us today. She brought us a lots of nice presents. After our gorgeous Lunch, we played "wii" tennis tornament. She said that she has not played tennis for one year or so, but she was a 2nd place, and good player!!

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