
Place Mats Doilies


Our ceramic friend Andrea who went to clean her aunt's house in Minnesota, and brought these beautiful Place Mats doilies. We could not believe that people used to use these beautiful Place mats in old days. There are 100 sheets and 45 sheets in the box, and some various different lace patterns. Amazing!! They are paper doilies, so we guess people used to use them every day. The package, design, fonts and color of box are so beautiful and stylish!! It is also explained "Tips of Setting". Awesome!! Andrea, thank you so much for sharing these beautiful doilies.

2 件のコメント:

  1. こんなに繊細で美しいのは初めて見ました。それとテーブルセッティングの絵がラブリーです。時間が優雅に流れていたのね。
