
Baked Rice Snacks (Yaki Onigiri) 焼きおにぎり

お待たせしました!!!!”焼きおにぎり”がTrader Joeに戻ってきました!!!!!何の事かおわかりでないと思うのですが.......最近日本からのインスタントラーメンやら焼きおにぎり(冷凍)それらのものが輸入規制の対象みたいで、入ってこないのです。別にインスタントラーメン焼きおにぎりを毎日食べてる訳ではないのですが、禁止となると話しは別です。そんな折りTrader Joeから焼きおにぎりが出た訳なんです。一ヶ月程販売した後は、それっきりで置いてないのです。お店の人に聞いてもよくわからないし.......
それから6ヶ月も店頭になかったのです。Trader Joeというお店はちょっと普通の大型スーパーとは違い、格安の値段で美味しい食材を提供してくれるチェーンのスーパーマーケットです。(いろんな所と直営販売システムを行っている為)只し、野菜等は、時々怪しいものもあるのですが..........とにかく安いし店員もとても感じよいのです。日本では当たり前の事なんですけどね。焼きおにぎりの事に関しては、ほとんど諦めていたのですが、6ヶ月の沈黙を破り戻ってきたのです。よく考えたらそんなに食べていなかったのになぜ?そうなんですね、ないとなると人間という生き物は、とてもどん欲になってしまうのです。たかだか焼きおにぎりで,,,,,,されど焼きおにぎり。

Welcome back!! Baked Rice is back in Trader Joe's!!!!! You may not understand it... recently Instant Ramen and frozen Baked rice (Yaki Onigiri) has been banned from Japanese super market here. Those items are not coming from Japan anymore, don't know why??? Well.. we are not eating instant Ramen and Yaki Onigiri everyday, but since there are not at the store, it's a different story. In such a time, we found the Yaki Onigiri in Trader Joe's. But they had it about a month or so, then disappeared. We asked the store manager many times what happened Baked rice?, but no one seems know when it will come back. There were NO Yaki Onigiri for about 6 months or so at the store!! Trader Joe's store is a little different than regular big super markets. They provide cheaper price and some of are really good and special store brands foods compare to other super markets, and the people who works there are very nice. It is common manner in Japan, but it's a good services here. We almost gave up on Yaki Onigiri. But recently just came back here again after about 6 months. We think that did we eat so much?? People behave strange that either with or without it. If you don't have it, you want more. Why we wanted so much Yaki Onigiri?? well.. we know that just a Yaki Onigiri??!! Of course everything from Japan are the Best, but it is cheaper and OK, that's why. It costs for $2.69 for 8 small pieces. Thank you Trader Joe's!!!

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