
いいお天気の日曜日Sunny Sunday


We bought Doggy door at garage sale. Soba and the cat Pip are no problem going in and out, but Tacco can Not figure it out how to use it. She is not so smart, um.....

湯豆腐のランチ (Hot Tofu in the pot)

野菜は,日本人の方が作っているのですが、すべて水栽培でやっている物でとても新鮮ですごく美味しいのです。そしてお豆腐が "MEIJIYA"さんの絹ごし豆腐で決まりですね。

I, Chi drunk a bit too much and not enough exercise lately, so I am trying to have some healthy lunch today.
Yudoufu (Hot Tofu) with Mizuna, Shungiku (crescent mom). All vegetable came from Japanese Vegetable stand at Hollywood Farmers Market. Tofu from MEIJIYA.

1 件のコメント:

  1. 湯豆腐おいしそう!家も今日はヘルシーメニューにしようっと。
