
Revive Japan Tea Bowl Sale 1 Year Anniversary Sale

3/11 (日曜日)あれから1年........ベニスのTortouse General Storeにて震災のセールを行います。今回は福島県の原発20キロ内で保護されなかった動物達をレスキューしている団体へドーネーションをしたいと思ってます。ロス在住の方々ぜひ参加お願いします。

We will have an 1 Year Anniversary Revive Japan Sale @ Tortoise General store 3/11, 12 Noon to 4PM.  And we hope many people will show up there.  We will donate the funds to Animal Rescue Actions in Fukushima at this time.

Animal Rescue actions in Fukushima 
We have been doing a lot of research to find the right destinations for our donation, and found heart-aching realities. There are still numerous numbers of animals striving to survive in the restricted area in Fukushima 20km from the Daiichi power plant.
Yes, it has already been a year since the humans were forced to evacuate from their homes and leave their pets and animals behind, but some animals were lucky enough to survive. The second generation animals were born who are afraid of humans (we can't blame them, they've never seen humans before). Professional animal rescue groups need to get into the 20km zone to rescue these animals, but the Japanese government is restricting them.

The Hachiko Coalition is one of the organizations that is continuing to take rescue actions. You can help by signing this petition, or generously donating the funds so that they can use it right away for sending few of their crew for a rescue attempt this Thursday 3/8 (which is our Wednesday) by clicking Chipin, or you can also donate through TGS here.

Even if you can't make it to our event, there are other ways to help and learn about Japan!

Click! Japan still need your help.
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