
The Kids are All Right

公開前にはじめてこのポスター見た時、何か楽しい雰囲気だったので絶対に観なきゃあいけないと思っていました。タイトルはThe Kids are All Rightというのですが、すごく平凡で子供が主役かなと思っていましたが、全員主役という、とても粋な映画でした。子供のいるごく普通の家族のお話しなんですが,家族構成が変わっているだけで、ごく普通の家庭!!!(それは映画を見てからのお楽しみです)とてもチャーミングで、とてもかわいい映画です。アネット、ベニングのさらりとした演技さすがです。ジュリアン、モーアも年を重ねる毎に輝きを増してきてるている感じ。とにかく主演5人の演技はすばらしかったです。肩の力を抜いて楽しめる映画です。今の時点で今年ナンバー1に上げられるほど大好きな映画でした。

Charming, uplifting, and very funny subversion of the traditional family. And the acting in this film is so good, it doesn't feel like acting, so natural. We are simply watching a family going through some drama and comedy over a summer before the eldest child leave for collage. Our best film of the year.


スイカ大好きLove watermelon



It is a season of watermelon again. Soba and Tacco love watermelon. It is so delicious!! Cat Pip is not interested in.

リネンにアンチックレースのバッグ Linen with Antique Lace Bags


I made linen tote bags. It's summer, definitely linen fabric is in. I made just simple square bags adding old laces. Last summer when I was in Japan, one of my friend made so many cute fabric bags, so I decided to make one too. I also collected antique laces from flea markets, and wondering what to use those for, so it was just perfect for the bags. Linen and lace are perfect match.

パリパリケール Crispy kale


Crispy Kale or Kale chips. It is so easy to make this. Just put olive oil, salt and pepper, and toss all. Bake in oven 300F=148C to get until crispy. About 10 minutes or so (depend on oven). Then you get Kale chips!! Very easy and delicious!!!! It's a good side dish or snacks.


グルメトラック Gourmet Food Truck


Recently, there are so many Gourmet Food Trucks near LACMA Museum. So by now you've heard about the Food truck craze taking LA and other cities. Food trucks are not really that new. But these days, they are colorful, fancy, and vivid design. Since they go drive all over the town, so many people follow them on Twitter.
We of course get so excited about Foods, so we wanted to try some. But there are too many different kind of foods, so very hard to decide which one. Well.. we probably are not the one who felt this way. After our hard decision making, we picked "Takoyaki". Because 2 japanese men were so lively and warm. We are so Japanese after all!! Also it was very warm feeling to eat this way than in the restaurant or take out food. Please look at those Gourmet Trucks for following pictures. There are so many different kind of food trucks you see. And they are very delicious too. The food wasn't all cheap, but everything affordable. Well next time, we will be much hungry, so we can eat more!!


Dim Sum チャイニーズ飲茶

BBQ バーベキュー

Boolbbq/ Tacos  韓国風焼き肉タコス

Hamburger, Hot Dogs, sandwiches
Green Truck グルメオーガニック
Brazilian ブラジル
Fishlips Sushi 寿司

Ramen & Fried Riceラーメン、チャーハン等、、、

なんとそこにParking Enforcement登場です。次から次にチケットを切られるトラックさん達です。何か許してあげてって感じでしたが容赦なく全トラックがチケットを切られてしまった!!!あ〜あっ。
Then suddenly, Parking enforcement came. 2 parking enforcements women ticketed all trucks. They should give them a break!! Oh well ....

Tanota Takoyaki ”たのた”のたこ焼き 


庭の野菜 Garden Vegetables

最初の庭(朝もやの中)  Garden before (3/13)

現在の庭 Garden Now (7/9)

トマト2ヶ月目 Tomato Plant 2 month (5/24)

トマト4ヶ月目の現在 Tomato Plant Now (7/9)
豆の花 Beans Flower
茄子の花 Eggplant Flower

オクラの花 Okura Flower  オクラ Okura

今朝の収穫 Picked this morning
Dandelions, Komatsunas, Japanese Eggplants,
Japanese green peppers, Cucumbers