
朝の日光浴 Sunbathing






New Studioスタジオと収納庫作り


1) 棚があったのを壊してます。棚があった時の写真を撮るのを忘れてしまい自分達で一気に壊してしまったのです。
Demolition!! There were used be huge storage covered, and we remove them all. Forgot to take original pictures before we demoed.

2) 床のセメントを壊す作業。これはいくら何でも我々ではできないので職人さん達にやってもらいましたが壊す時の音がうるさい、そして凄いホコリ。そしてセメントのフロアー完成。
Breaking cement floor. We could not do it ourselves, so we hired handy man to do it. It was enormous breaking sounds and dust. Too crazy works!!!!! We hated this work. Cement Floor has been don. But our handyman made some mistake, the floor is not quite flat!! There are some bumpy area. Very upset of his works.

Drywall & skylight . It's so bright with natural light. Great! The floor paint has been done by us, because we could not trust this handyman anymore at this point.

4)棚の準備 (最初の棚はサイズミスでやり直し)最低!!!!激怒バカやろうです。曲がった棚ができあがり、私達がペンキ塗りです。本当に信用できないのだす。
This handyman made an another mistake, the covered sizes were wrong, so made him fixed them. But there are some spaces between sealing and covered! Mistake again and again!!!! We started feel not to trust him at this point (too late). Of course we painted again!!

Making frames for the new storage covered. Finished covered and Painted.

Double Front French door. wow~. It was sale, and 2 for one price, so we put 2(good news). But again, right side and left side are not leveled. Upset again!!! We painted of course!!
Before and after paint the front.

Finally we came up to here!, so here is our family shot. We still have to organize inside, more and more works left, still.....

Seems endless!! Huh~. But family shot anyway!!

Completion Finally!! It was a long and hard days to get here. Since we had too many problem with his stupid works, but we would like to start fresh and forget all mistakes, because it is sort of nice now anyway!!

スタジオの中から見た感じ  Looking from inside the studio to outside area.


しかし、大きな反省としてすべて私達のミスであるのは確かです。何のリサーチもせず彼らを信用した事にあるのです。すごい悔しいだからRAULと言う人を使わないでほしいです。この近辺 というか広い範囲で仕事しているみたいなのでCA在住の方々気をつけてくださいませ。

Next time (don't know when?), we will show you some of the mistake places. Continue.......

But after all, it was our mistakes. We did not research enough, and trusted him too much, so we regret very much!! If you ever hear Raull ( handy man's name), please be careful. He works all over LA area. So don't!!!!!!!!!


Figs 2種類のいちじく

Black Figs & Flying Saucer Shape Figs (Name unknown)
家の近所にとても立派な2本のイチジクの木があり、2種類のイチジクはBlack figともう一つの円盤形のは種類が解りません??犬達の散歩のついでに勝手にとらせて頂いてます。ここの家の人達は、イチジクを食べないみたいです。多分!!このイチジクたちは、両方ともとてもあまくておいしいのです。そのままで食べるのが一番美味しいんですが、沢山あったのでデザートを焼いてみました。カスタード系のケーキ生地です。夜遅い時間に焼いたので、朝食べようと楽しみにしておりました。しかしです、このケーキは私達の口には入りませんでした。朝一番に起きてご飯を催促するあのタッコが起きてこないのです。やられてしまった!!こんな量人間だって食べたられません、本当に食い意地だけは、なみではありません(クラックにはすこし劣りますが,,,, )。タッコのお腹が見事に膨らんでおりましたので間違いなく犯人はタッコです。

The Fig cake which never got in our mouth. Huh....,

そうだす!ワテが食べた!!ウヒョヒョ Yes, I ate!! Ha~Ha~Ha~.
There are very big 2 kinds of Fig trees in our neighborhood. One is a regular Black Fig and the other one is a flat flying saucer shape one. And we never saw the flying saucer shape one before, so don't know the name. These trees are on the way our morning walk with doggies. And owner seems not interested in to get them. So we just pick them (sorry...). The both are awesome sweet and very juicy figs. Figs are so good to eat with fresh as is. But. Since we had so many of them, we baked with custard cream. We baked late night, and wanted to eat in next morning. We would love to say "Delicious !!", but never got in our mouth. Because, our dog Tacco ate from kitchen table in the middle of the night. Next morning Tacco never asked for the breakfast, and we though very strange behavior for her. Then soon after we realized who did this!!!I Could not believe it ??!!!!, with such a big amount, and top of that it's a Human food and we cannot eat at ALL (Huh...) Her tummy was almost exploded! (Evidence.) So definitely Tacco's work! But it was our fault leaving on the counter table. Glad she did not get serious sick. Oh, well well.


Mint Flower & Tea ミントの花とミントテイー

Mojito Mint Flowerモヒートミントの白い花

ミントテイーHot Mint Tea


We planted Mojite mint in planter this year, and grows so well. Mojito mint is sort of thicker leaves compair to the other kinds, and of course uses for Mojito Drink with lime. It's good with hot tea, cold iced tea, fruits salads, meats, and good with anthing. Mints are definatelly a magic herb!! There are full bloomed white flowers now. Herb flowers are so small and lovely.


またもや冷やし中華でした。Jumbo Cold Noodle


14 kinds of toppings. Chicken, Kaiware Daikon (Daikon sprouts), Scallions, Cucumbers, Komatsunas (Japanese spinach), Seri, Tomatoes, Cilantro, cooked Goya (Bitter melon) w/ Eggs & Tofu, Mushroom, Cooked celery & carrots、and grounded Sesame Seeds.

Again, we made cold noodles, Jumbo version!! At this time we made from left over veggie and cold chickens and add some fresh veggies. There are 14 kinds of toppings. And we used instant Noodle called "Chuka Zanmai", so sauces and noodles came with in the packages. Delicious foods make us happy and lively.


Good by Banana Tree

Banana Tree Before

Banana Tree After Cut

Cut Down Banana Tree by ourselves. It was very hard physical works!!

Huge Roots!!! We tried to pull them out, but impossible?!!!

Finally 2 Tree cutters came to remove all these heavy & huge Roots. It took them about 4 hours to completed. Banana roots were very stubborn. Gracious!!


余計なお手伝い!Not welcoming Help


We are renovating our garage now. It was a fine afternoon day to paint. When I almost finished paint, Tacco came and sit by the fresh painted wall. Well.. well.. she was too hot sleeping in the sun, so must felted nice by the fresh painted wall. She could have helped paint with her tail. Instead, she causes more problem. Top of that she might had a heat stroke sleeping under the sun, because she was breathing very hard with wide mouth , see her face and eyes!!

Red Snapper w/ Basil

Red Snapperと言う白身魚のバジルソテーランチ。Red Snapperは,小麦粉とバジルをたっぷり付けてオリーブオイルでソテーしました。バジルと魚が凄くいい相性なんです。お隣さんから勝手に頂いたレモンを搾って!!サイドはポテトサラダ、ビーツとビーツの葉です。